Thursday, November 6, 2008

My One (and Hopefully Only) Post on Global Warming

A couple of days ago, author Michael Crichton passed away. He was a gifted storyteller and someone who was not easily swayed by mainstream thinking. I particularly enjoyed reading one of his speeches from 2003 called "Aliens Cause Global Warming". As my salute to Michael Crichton, I present his speech to you for your reading enjoyment.


  1. "My One (and Hopefully Only) Post on Global Warming"

    Good. Let's hope it's only one.

    Except for evolution, nothing brings out the pseudoscientific amateur cranks faster than a post on global warming. I can't wait for DaveScot to show up...

  2. Dave, there is a much better case against global warming than against evolution. The fact there has been no discernable warming trend since 1998 despite CO2 levels increasing, the emerging science of sunspot activity vs warming/cooling, and other lovely tidbits you can find at JunkScience (see the FYI part to the right).

    I say "hopefully only" because I wish to focus more of my blogging energies on design detection in nature.

  3. jjs

    The fact there has been no discernable warming trend since 1998 despite CO2 levels increasing, - debunked here

    the emerging science of sunspot activity vs warming/cooling, - debunked here, go to "Denial myth #10"

    Yes, the evidence for anthropogenic global climate change (not "global warming") is indeed less extensive than the evidence for evolution, simply because the science is younger. Apparently that means, in your mind, that there is a "much better case against" global climate change than against evolution. But you're swimming against a tide of evidence in both cases, and nitpicking around the edges won't do much to help you against that tide.

    But if that floats your boat, carry on. I'm sure your other denialist friends, like WW, will join in the chorus as well. It must be amazing to be able to debunk so much science in a field where you have so little expertise; I envy you guys...
